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<- [[:forum:inews]] ====== Deploy stories received with RXNET ====== //Andreas Hartmann, 20.03.2008 14:04: // ==Problem== Stories are sent by a TXNET server from one iNEWS system to another one. To the target queue on the destination iNEWS system a mailbox is attached and a keyword-, validation- or just an action server has to deploy the incoming stories to other places in the database. But it doesn't work. The incoming stories are still in the target queue of the TXNET server. Only after restart the subsequent server (action, keyword, validation) the existing stories are processed. But still newly arrived stories are not processed at all. ==Solution== Restart the TXNET server on the source system **AFTER** starting the successive server on the destination system. In that case the RXNET demon can inform the just active mailbox about the new stories. ==Comments== * Not sure whether thats a bug or a normal behaviour. Just seen it on iNEWS 2.6.5 ~~DISCUSSION~~


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forum/inews/deploy-stories-received-with-rxnet.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/19 22:46 (external edit)