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====== Duplicate Finder ====== ===== Installation ===== Use the Module Management Tool to install the LinkItemToSpaceAction Amp. Information about how to do this can be found at: [[|Module Management Tool Guide]] The Module Management Tool can be downloaded [[|here]]. ===== How it works ===== To compare two documents a hashsum is created for each document. The hashsum is saved in the document properties. Therefore a duplicates aspect is assigned to the document with the properties hashsum and duplicate count. This is done by a behaviour that updates the hashsum each time the content of the document changes. Each time the hashsum is updated the number of duplicates is counted. ===== Usage ===== To initially assign the duplicate aspect to all documents run the 'Update Duplicates' action on the root folder. This can take a lot of time. So you may want to check with a single folder first. As soon as the duplicates aspect is assigned to a document you can see the number of duplicates in the documents details. Make a copy of a document that has the duplicate aspect. The number of duplicates should now be other then 0. Additionally there is a blue arrow on each document that has duplicates in the web clients' folder view. The blue arrow can also be seen in the documents details view. Click the button to see all the documents duplicates.

products/duplicates.1259667733.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/19 22:45 (external edit)